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A list of exceptional books to help guide us & answer many of the questions that we find ourselves pondering. Find what is relevant & interests you most to acquire priceless wisdom & insights on various topics.​

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The Mountain of Silence: A Search for Orthodox Spirituality (by Kyriacos C Markides)

An acclaimed expert in Christian mysticism travels to a monastery high in the Trodos Mountains of Cyprus and offers a fascinating look at the Greek Orthodox approach to spirituality.


Watchful Mind: Teachings on the Prayer of the Heart (by A Monk of Mt. Athos)

Written by an anonymous priest-monk living in asceticism on the Holy Mountain of Athos, The Watchful Mind is the fruit of a life of deep prayer. The unknown writer was a hesychast-a practitioner of stillness and the Jesus Prayer-and in these pages he shares with readers his hidden life, a life filled with spiritual struggles, ecstatic experiences, and mystical revelations.


The Way of a Pilgrim & The Pilgrim Continues on His Way (by Anonymous 19th Century Russian Peasant)

The Way of a Pilgrim was written by an anonymous nineteenth-century Russian peasant and depicts his examination of how to pray without ceasing. Through his voyages and travels, he delves into the value and power of prayer. As he becomes open to the promptings of God, the reader, too, is enlightened as he shares these rich religious experiences, presented in a humble, simple, and beautiful narrative.


Orthodox Afterlife (by John Habib)

John Habib came back to the faith of his youth in young adulthood after reading an afterlife story handwritten by an Egyptian Christian monk. This book is the culmination of over fifteen years of research on a quest to arrive at what the Orthodox Christian understanding of the afterlife really is.

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